Hello, I’m Lulu Lay.
I’ve always said that I was born under a lucky star. But then, this past November, I got diagnosed with breast cancer – I wonder what bullet I’m dodging this time. So now I’m scared and overwhelmed, which really isn’t a great way to be. I am so fortunate to be getting tons of support from my loving family and friends, but no one can hold you tight 24/7 to keep negative thoughts from creeping in, right? In all those hours of sometimes scary me-time, I have a few tricks to keep me focused on the positive.

In 2010, to get closer to my sister, I learned to knit. Just the basics, nothing fancy. A few weeks later, I saw a 12-week crafting course announced on Facebook, and the first 3 classes were on knitting, so I signed up. I learned a little more, and then I learned to crochet. I don’t think I’ve picked up knitting needles since. I guess you could say I got hooked. wink-wink
To me, crocheting is so much more than just a hobby. It gives me something to do, something to give to those I love; it keeps me calm, lets my mind wander, and opens the door to a whole world of color, yarn, and squishy goodness. I’d be happy to show some of it to you.